MENTORING Who can you call upon in order to discuss the notion of how to make your life more meaningful through objective guidance? There are no effective forums for the personal development of an individual. The traditional forums have become decadent over the last few centuries, e.g. the family; the faith communities; teachers in schools.  There are some institutions which offer the individual some scope for progress, e.g. employer and friends, but this development is not geared towards the personal needs and aspirations of the individual but the interests of the aiding party. Everyone in Hijaz Community is offered one-to-one mentoring covering a wide variety of subjects geared towards supporting their personal development.  The subjects covered focus upon developing essential human qualities, which have practical application. This development ensures that the individual is able to lead a life which has greater meaning for them, according to their own context and aspirations. The Mentor will act as a point of reference, an anchor of support, and an axis of inspiration. The guidance will be tailor-made instead of simply providing off-the-shelf solutions. The expectation is that the Mentor shall motivate the Mentee to the extent that the Mentee can become a role model within their own fraternity. The Mentoring process starts after enrolling for free. You will be allocated a fully trained Mentor who will arrange mutually convenient times for a one-to-one meeting in an informal environment. This process of Mentoring is different to pure counselling. In counselling the Counsellor is someone to offload upon, whereas in Mentoring the Mentor is trained to find solutions to the problems and offer a process of re-contextualising the Mentee's life. At the end of the Mentoring programme the Mentee will agree upon a personal spiritual development plan with the Mentor to ensure that there is continuity in the agreed aspirations of the Mentee.
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